Assessment to support PVN for Climate Change Handbook Development
Consultation workshop: Action Plan on Climate Change Response for the period 2021-2030 for Hanoi city
Study on a pilot for credited NAMAs, introduce carbon pricing instruments and develop a roadmap for the application of Market based instruments (MBIs) in the steel sector
Research on market-based carbon pricing approaches, investment and financial policies and instruments
Nghiên cứu về phương pháp định giá các-bon theo thị trường, chính sách và các công cụ tài chính
Training workshop "Technical instruction on implementation of Greenhouse gas mitigation plan in steel sector: Greenhouse gas inventory and low carbon options identification"
Air Quality Management in Vietnam
Danish Experience on renewable Energy Forecasting and Ancillary Services
Danish Energy Partnership Programme 2017-2020: Renewable energy integration into the power system