Danish Energy Partnership Programme 2017-2020: Renewable energy integration into the power system

Danish Embassy selected RCEE-NIRAS to conduct an assignment on Renewable energy integration into the power system under the Danish Energy Partnership Programme 2017-2020. The objective of the programme is to enhance the capabilities of Electricity Regulatory Authority of Vietnam (ERAV), National Load Dispatching Center (NLDC), Power Companies (PCs) and other relevant stakeholders on forecasting of demand and RE generation as well as on quantifying the need for and securing the availability of ancillary services to ensure the stability of the power system and well-functioning of the power market. The scope of the project is a 3 year program, where the Vietnamese and the Danish partners cooperate in the form of workshops, training sessions, internships and twinning arrangements. RCEE-NIRAS works will help to produce two outputs.

Output 1: Enhancement of capability in forecasting of load and of generation from variable RE. Power system participants manage more accurate short term and medium-term forecasting including through use of real time weather data as available. 

Output 2: Improved capability for calculating/quantifying need for and secure availability of ancillary services to ensure stability of the power system and well-functioning of the power market. NLDC and other relevant stakeholders calculate the power systems needs for ancillary services more accurately. Methods to secure adequate availability of ancillary services are developed as a result of the support and applied.