Training workshop "Technical instruction on implementation of Greenhouse gas mitigation plan in steel sector: Greenhouse gas inventory and low carbon options identification"

RCEE-NIRAS JSC has supported the EESD in implementing the Training workshop ”Technical instruction implementation of GHG mitigation plan in steel sector”. The workshop is organised on May 25, 2020 in HCMC

Under the framework of the component "Piloting Credited NAMA project, proposing  carbon pricing instruments and roadmap for applications of market based instruments in steel sector” – Vietnam Partnership for Market Readiness project (VNPMR) funded by the World Bank and coordinated by the Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Development Department – Ministry of Industry and Trade (EESD MOIT), RCEE-NIRAS JSC has supported the EESD in implementing the Training workshop ”Technical instruction implementation of GHG mitigation plan in steel sector”. The workshop is organised on May 25, 2020 in HCMC

The training workshop has attracted the attention of over 50 participants and senior experts from provincial Department of Ministry and Trade (DOITs) and Department of Natural Resources and Environment (DONREs), research institutes and especially Steel enterprises from the South of Viet Nam has actively participated the workshop, showing their interest in GHG emission reduction opportunities in steel production.

At the training workshop, the International and local experts of RCEE-NIRAS present the current baseline of GHG emission and energy consumption in steel industry and propose methodology to develop a GHG emission reduction plans  in steel production facilities, identify a list of potential emissions reduction options to optimize the production process as well as to reduce energy costs. Potential GHG emission reduction options are discussed enthusiastically and effectively between the experts and participants from Steel plants.  In addition, the local and international experts provide instruction and practise to the participants on how to use MACC tool, GHG  inventory tool as well as how to control GHG emission at the steel facilities .

Following initial achievements of VNPMR project, the training workshop continues providing the specific technical guidelines,  buiding capacity and experience to support the management authorities and steel enterprises in developing and implementing the mechansim and policy related to GHG emission. The training is sucessully in raising the awareness and understanding of the stakeholders  on new topics such as Carbon pricing, NAMA credits, carbon financing mechanism, that will contribute to the development and implementation of relevant policies in the future of Vietnam.