Danish Experience on renewable Energy Forecasting and Ancillary Services

Under framework of DEA Energy Partnership Programme (DEPP) between Viet Nam and Denmark, funded by Danish Energy Agency and managed by the Ministry of Industry and Trade, RCEE-NIRAS as the local consultant, has supported Electricity Regulatory Authority of Vietnam (ERAV), Energinet/ DEA to organize the training course “Danish Experience on renewable Energy Forecasting and ancillary Services” from 13 November – 16 November 2018 in Hanoi. This training course is a part of the project “Renewable Energy Integration into the Power System”.

The training course has attracted the participation of nearly 30 senior experts from ERAV, National Load Dispatch Centre (NLDC), Power Corporations (PCs) and other relevant stakeholders. The training has enhanced understanding on: 

-   Enhancement of capability in forecasting of load and of generation from variable RE. Power system participants manage more accurate short term and medium term forecasting including through use of real time weather data as available. 

-   Improved capability for calculating/quantifying need for and secure availability of ancillary services to ensure stability of the power system and well-functioning of the power market. NLDC and other relevant stakeholders calculate the power systems needs for ancillary services more accurately. Methods to secure adequate availability of ancillary services are developed as a result of the support, and applied.

The training was considered successful as the participants have expressed their satisfaction and confirmed that they have acquired useful knowledge for their works