Workshop on MRV framework in the energy sector and criteria for identifying large emitters sources of GHG in Vietnam
For the implementation of Nationally Determined Contribution of Viet Nam (NDC), World Bank support the Government of Vietnam in implementing the NDC commitments through technical assistance on development of an integrated MRV framework and system for the energy sector and for the development of criteria for large GHG emission in Vietnam.
For the implementation of Nationally Determined Contribution of Viet Nam (NDC), World Bank support the Government of Vietnam in implementing the NDC commitments through technical assistance on development of an integrated MRV framework and system for the energy sector and for the development of criteria for large GHG emission in Vietnam.
On March 19, 2021, in Tam Dao, Vinh Phuc province, Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT) in cooperation with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE) organized the Workshop on Development of MRV framework in energy sector and Criteria for identifying large GHG emitters in Vietnam. The workshop has involved the participation of representatives from Ministry of Industry and Trade, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, World Bank, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Planning and Investment, enterprises as intensive energy users: VICEM, PVN, etc. and representatives from research institutes, experts in the field of energy and climate Change.

At the workshop, national and international consultant team from NIRAS / RCEE-NIRAS and SQ Consult has introduced (1) The identification and management of large GHG emitters in Vietnam; (2) Recommendations for development and implementation of an MRV framework for the energy sector and DMS in Vietnam; (3) Building the IT infrastructure for DMS and MRV of Energy sector GHG emission; (4) Legal, policy and institutional framework for an Integrated MRV System; (5) A Roadmap for piloting an energy sector MRV framework and system. Participants have discussed and provided opinions and comments to finalize these above contents and for next steps.