Technical Service Provider for the LCEE EE financing mechanism

NIRAS Vietnam has awarded the assignment to  provide Technical Service for Low Carbon LCEE EE financing mechanism for  the North Vietnam area covering all projects in Quang Nam Province  and the North of  Vietnam.

Through this assignment, Niras Vietnam has responsibility in providing the assessment and measurements of technical and financial indicators of Small and Medium Enterprises’ investment projects under the Energy Efficiency Financial Mechanism to ensure that the investment projects are sound and will lead to energy/CO2 savings; verify the results of the measures after investment. Details as follows:

1. To undertake “pre-checks”/”post-checks” and “random checks”, if so decided, of the proposed projects.

2.  Verification of EE project proposals in “pre-checks” required for the issue of bank guarantees by the FHB.

3. Verification of energy savings in “post-checks”, conditional for the release of energy savings awards if the required energy savings improvement have been achieved.

4. Communicating results of “pre-checks” and “post-checks” to the AMU for registration and communication with FHB regarding potential activation of an energy saving award.

This assignment is under  the framework of the Green Investment Facility (GIF) program – the financial mechanism of the Low Carbon Transition in the Energy Efficiency (LCEE) Project, sponsored by DANIDA.