Support to the Vietnamese National Energy Efficiency and Conservation Program (VNEEP)

The Governments of Vietnam and Denmark have agreed to prepare a new support program on climate change adaptation and mitigation to be implemented during the period 2009-2013....


Project Name: Support to the Vietnamese National Energy Efficiency and Conservation Program (VNEEP)

Client: Danida

Project Duration:2010 - 2013


Project Description

The Governments of Vietnam and Denmark have agreed to prepare a new support program on climate change adaptation and mitigation to be implemented during the period 2009-2013. Regards with the component of Support to National Energy Efficiency and Conservation Program (VNEEP), the technical assistance is only supplied for selected elements of the VNEEP, aiming to strengthen the capacity of EECO and other relevant Vietnamese institutions in implementing VNEEP activities related to energy efficiency management in industries and buildings. The TA Assignment Objectives are thus: (1) Increased implementation capacity within Universities, Energy Efficiency Centres (EECs)/Energy Conservation Centers (ECCs), and other consulting entities, and energy management agencies to provide effective energy monitoring and management; (2) Strengthened MOIT capacity to fulfil VNEEP targets; (3) Demonstration towards Vietnamese enterprises on the application of commercially viable measures and technologies of energy efficiency.

RCEE is the local partner, in cooperation with NIRAS and DEM, Danish consultants, to perform the tasks of the assignment.