Su Pan 2 Hydropower Project

u Pan 2 Hydropower Plant is located in Ban Ho village, Su Pan Commune, Sa Pa District, Lao Cai Province. The project will install 03 units with total capacity of 34.5MW,.....


Project Owner: Song Da – Hoang Lien Hydropower Joint Stock Company.

CER buyer:Japan Carbon Finance


Su Pan 2 Hydropower Plant is located in Ban Ho village, Su Pan Commune, Sa Pa District, Lao Cai Province. The project will install 03 units with total capacity of 34.5MW, the annual power supplied to the Nation grid is estimated approximately 138,658MWh.

Su Pan 2 HPP satisfies all the CDM requirements of UNFCCC, host country’s criteria relating to sustainable development and registered with EB on 27/11/2010 (Ref. No. 3745). CDM project activity is estimated to reduce about 82,363 tons of CO2 annually into the atmosphere.

RCEE-NIRAS has provided a CDM full service from project estimation to successful registration at EB; the management of greenhouse gas emission reduction during the crediting periods of the project. In addition, RCEE-NIRAS has supported, consulted project entity in marketing CERs, in negotiation to sign Emissions Reduction Purchase Agreement (ERPA), in preparation Monitoring Report, take part in on-site verification and CER issuance.