Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) 2015 ASIA - Phase 4 - Regional program in Vietnam

NIRAS Vietnam and VESDEC (Vietnam Institute for Environmental Science and Development) and GIZ have supported NIRAS Sweden and University of Gothenburg / Chalmers University organized the training program “Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) 2015 ASIA – Phase 4 – Regional program in Vietnam” at Họi An, Vietnam from 16 to 26th May, 2016, under the framework of the Advance International Training Programme on Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) – ITP2015B financed by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida).

The training programme ITP 2015B consists of five phases, of which phase 2 was concluded in Sweden November 9-27, 2015 and phase 1,3,5 are conducted by the participants in their home countries on a part-time basis focusing on developing and implementing so-called SEA  Projects.

The objective of the programme ITP 2015B is to strengthen the SEA capacity of the participants’ organizations, by supporting processes of organizational change related to SEA in which the purpose of Phase 4 is to bring in case examples of SEA in practice, from Vietnam and from the region; to introduce additional practical tools for implementing SEA; and for the participants to continue developing their SEA Projects.

In this phase 4 training, 29 participants have been selected from Bangladesh, Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, and Vietnam. A majority of them work at national ministries and agencies, whereas a few represent regional or municipal agencies or NGOs. They work in different sectors related to SEA and development planning (forestry, urban planning, energy, agriculture, transportation and environment).