RCEE-NIRAS has been awarded the contract of “Comprehensive survey and analysis of emerging energy efficiency service providers or ESCOs in Vietnam”

RCEE-NIRAS has been awarded the contract of “Comprehensive survey and analysis of emerging energy efficiency service ....



Hanoi, 21/01/2013,

RCEE-NIRAS has been awarded the contract of “Comprehensive survey and analysis of emerging energy efficiency service providers or ESCOs in Vietnam”. The service package is a part of  “Clean Production and Energy Efficiency” Project. The Ministry of Industry and Trade has received financing from the International Development Association (IDA).

This consultancy assignment aims to review the current status of the emerging energy efficiency service provider (EESP)/ESCO in Vietnam and determine the training and capacity building needs of key players in this sector. The detailed objective of the assignment is to gather information and data related to the establishment, development, operation, capacity and perspective of the existing energy efficiency service providers/ESCOs  in Vietnam, identify and analyze the issues, problems and barriers which prevent the development of the energy efficiency service market.

The 4-month project will approach various types of energy efficiency provider/ESCO such as:

  • State-owned centre for energy efficiency/technological application under local administrations
  • Public universities and research institutions
  • Private energy efficiency service companies (joint stock company, limited liability company)
  • Private energy equipment and service providing companies (joint stock company, limited liability company)
  • Joint venture energy efficiency service companies (joint stock company).
RCEE-NIRAS has many experiences in conducting this type of research and it’s consultant team will integrate the result/reference from previous studies.

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