Pre check program for the project of installing new biomass boiler at Hai Phuc Trading & Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

In Sept 2016, RCEE- NIRAS – the technical service provider (TSP) has implemented the pre check program for the project of installing new biomass boiler at Hai Phuc Trading & Manufacturing Co., Ltd. The purpose of this program is to evaluate the current operation parameters of coal boiler and the deployment process of installing new biomass boiler.

Hai Phuc Trade & Manufacture Co., Ltd is located at Tam Tao village, Phu Lam Commune, Tien Du District, Bac Ninh Province, it’s scopes of works includes manufacturing pulp, paper and paperboard. Currently, this company is using chain grate dust coal boiler with a capacity of 2.5 tons of steam / hour. The Boiler provide steam for drying batches in paper production line. This type of chain grate boiler was widely used in previous years as it met  automated demand with semi-automatic feed and discharging slag. However, after a period of operation,  there appeared some major disadvantages affecting production costs and the surrounding environment.

In near future, the company plans high increase in paper production so the steam demand will beincreased accordingly. Due to the disadvantage of current boiler and high demand of heat, the company decided to stop current coal-fired boiler and selected Tri Viet Company to be the contractor to provide the saturated steam. Tri Viet company will be incharged of managing and operating the new for Hai Phuc trading and investment Co., Ltd.

By installing the new boiler with fluidised bed technology of Tri Viet company, Hai Phuc company will have to completely replace all the fossil fuels (coal) to biomass fuels (sawdust). The new technology will help saving energy in production as well as reducing CO2 emission thanks to short Carbon life of biomass fuels, which is not counted into CO2 emission cycle causing GHG.

The new boiler with fluidised bed technology is designed to use biomass fuel from agricultural waste. The new design allows control of the refuel and the optimal combination between air and input fuel, this will helps saving and reducing power consumption. The new boiler has the advantages of high automation capabilities, high performance, dust is thoroughly processed and heat from the flue gas can be utilized. The textured of body insulation by cotton layer and PPGI coating will allow minimization of the heat loss by radiation into the environment.

Through surveying programs and data verification, RCEE NIRAS experts confirmed the investor’s current investment unchanged from initial investment proposal. However, according to the structure of gas fuel system, there is no adsorption treatment system which will help adsorbed toxic gases and vapors from the incineration of industrial waste. To ensure the emission parameters within the allowable limitation prescribed, TSP recommends that the investors should install adsorption equipment.