Nordic Partnership Initiative Pilot Programme - International Advisory Group’s Mission in Vietnam

In the framework of Nordic Partnership Initiative Pilot programme for supporting up-scaled climate change mitigation action in Vietnam’s cement sector, a mission has been organized by the international advisory group from 18-19 March in Vietnam. The delegation was led by Ms.  Martina Jägerhorn, Country Program Manager of Nordic Development Fund with the participation of representatives from  Swedish Environmental Protection Agency and  Swedish Energy Agency.

On 18th March 2015, a meeting has been organized between the Consortium of consultants (Consultant) and the International Advisory Group (IAG). The purpose of meeting is to review the project progress after 1st year of implementation in 2014 and next steps. Also, the National Steering Committee Meeting has been held and chaired by Mr. Nguyen Trung Hoa, Director of DSTE, Ministry of Construction. The purpose of the meeting was to review the progress of the project after 1 year of implementation. The participants included the International Advisory Group IAG (including NDF), the Consultant, representatives from line ministries (MOC, MONRE, MOIT) and relevant stakeholders (VNCA, VABM, Song da Cao cuong, VICEM, etc.) The meeting would update the participants with information from the Nordic Partnership Initiative in Peru (by IAG), the project’s progress (by the Consultant) and the mitigation activities in Viet Nam (by MONRE).