New contract from World Bank (WB)

NIRAS Vietnam has won a contract for providing technical assistance to the Electricity Regulatory Authority of Vietnam (ERAV) to monitor the implementation and evaluate the impact of the technical assistances and capacity building support for ERAV under The World Bank (WB) funded Distribution Efficiency Project (DEP).

In addition, NIRAS Vietnam will support ERAV in the evaluation of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emission reduction thanks to the implementation of the technical assistance projects as GHG reduction is an important indicator for the contribution of DEP in climate change mitigation.

The DEP has an objective to improve the performance of Vietnam’s Power Corporations in providing quality and reliable electricity services, and to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions through demand side response and efficiency gains.

The global objective is to reduce GHG emissions through avoided power generation by reducing electricity losses in PC distribution systems and reducing electricity consumption of large electricity consumers.