New CDM Regulatory Framework

From 1 May 2012, submissions for registration can be made under the new CDM regulatory framework which was adopted.......


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From 1 May 2012, submissions for registration can be made under the new CDM regulatory framework which was adopted last November in Durban, South Africa, and incorporates the main CDM rules and requirements in three major documents to improve the clarity, transparency and efficiency of the CDM regulatory process. Project assessments can be made using either the new and old procedures until 1 October 2012. From 1 October, all CDM related submissions must be made under the new procedures.

They include a requirement to apply the new Project Standard and Validation and Verification Standard (VVS); PoAs need to apply new templates.

As a part of the CDM’s regulatory overhaul, new project cycle procedures (PCP) were adopted at EB 66. The PCP consolidates all existing procedural provisions relating to the CDM project cycle. The PCP document is available at:

CDM project participants can request telephone calls with the secretariat to clarify issues identified during assessment of registration or issuance requests under the new CDM PCP.

While the introduction of the new PCP follows a well meant intention, it is ill-timed with respect to the registration deadline of 31 December 2012. Project developers need to adapt to the new VVS, DOEs will validate with two different means (the former Validation and Verification Manual VVM and on the VVS), and PoAs under validation need to be transferred to new templates, if they want to have a realistic chance to get registered before the end of the year.

Source: GIZ CDM Highlights Newsletter, May 2012