Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAMA) in Vietnam’s cement sector Workshop, October 2015

In the framework of the Nordic Partnership Initiative Pilot Programme for Supporting Up-scaled Climate Change Mitigation Action (NAMA) in Vietnam’s cement sector funded by Nordic Development Fund (NDF), the project has conducted a sector survey, data collection, assessment of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emission reduction potentials at cement plants, development of emission baseline and MRV system in compatible with international standard, analysis of cost, barriers and institutional solutions for NAMA in cement sector.

Ministry of Construction (MOC) organizes this workshop to present the draft NAMA for cement sector to relevant ministries, organizations, international donors and to collect comments from participants for finalization of the NAMA proposal. The project’s product will be the technical inputs for MOC to consider for next steps of integrating into the sectorial policies. MOC also expect the consensus with relevant ministries and organizations, attracting the technical, technology and financial supports from international donors and developed countries for the implementation of NAMA for cement industry.

The workshop was organized on 14 November 2015 in Hanoi with 80 participants from Ministry of Construction, International Advisory Group, relevant ministries, Institutions and Associations, donors and international programmes, cement enterprises, energy efficiency services providers, Consultant team and media