Manual for MRV on City-level Climate Change Mitigation Actions

Vietnamese government has been addressing climate change since it joined UNFCCC in 1992. In 2011, the National Climate Change Strategy was issued, identifying that climate change responses that are vital for the development of the country. In 2015, Vietnam has developed and submitted INDC to UNFCCC that sets the nationwide GHG emission reduction target of 8% by 2030 compared to the Business as Usual scenario (BAU). Mitigation actions are defined as efforts and actions to reduce human-induced emissions of GHGs.

Measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) is a very important component of mitigation actions planning and implementation process. MRV not only serves as an effective tool to quantify the mitigation impacts of mitigation actions in the form of GHG emission reductions in a transparent manner, but also ensures appropriate implementation of mitigation actions in the context of national/province/city development priority.

Under JICA Technical Cooperation Project: “Project to Support the Planning and Implementation of NAMAs in an MRV Manner”, RCEE – NIRAS has supported the JICA experts to develop MRV Manual of Ho Chi Minh City.  As a great portion of GHGs is emitted from urban city areas, cities,  including Ho Chi Minh need to take actions to reduce GHGs  City in order to ease climate change and its impacts.