Managing and Protecting Water Resources

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment reports that over the past 10 years, water resources have degraded seriously. Many components in water such as BOD, COD, and NH4 are of higher content than the allowed level. Water in coastal areas has also been polluted. Underground water in cities and industrial zones is becoming exhausted in the dry season. Facing such problems, the natural resources and environment sector has made a long-term strategy for natural resources management and protection towards 2020.

Deputy general director of the Water Resources Management Department, Le Bac Huynh, said, The national strategy for water resources management towards 2020 indicates measures that need to be taken to ensure sustainable development of water resources. It is a framework strategy for utilization of water resources in each period of socioeconomic development.

Under the strategy, the management of water resources in river basins will be intensified. Local administrations, social and economic organizations and every individual must take part in developing, protecting and managing water resources. The mass media must disseminate information that highlights the need to protect water resources. The management manner will also be improved based on actual demands and in accordance with the State's socialist orientation and market mechanism.

The strategy emphasizes the need to ensure sustainable and effective utilization of water resources. Accordingly, different ministries and localities must join hands with each other in supervising the construction and operation of water projects, especially the ones that are based in river basin areas. Cooperation with foreign countries that share water sources with Vietnam will be expanded in the field of water resources protection.

 To ensure effective implementation of the national strategy on water resources towards 2020, the State's management authorities must encourage the public community's participation in water resources protection activities. The management of water resources must be improved from the central to the local level. At the same time, international cooperation in the field of water resources must be expanded. More attention must be paid to human resources development and the application of modern technology in utilizing water resources. Preventing water resources from being polluted is one of the efforts to help ensure sustainable growth of the Vietnamese economy in the future.