Mainstreaming Energy Efficiency through Business Innovation Support – Vietnam


Project Name: Mainstreaming Energy Efficiency through Business Innovation Support – Vietnam

Client:  European Aid

Project Duration:  2009 – 2013

Project Description

 In Vietnam, continued economic and population growth, especially in cities, is resulting in severe pressure on environmental quality. Further economic growth will come with increasing demand for energy and water use. Much of Vietnam’s growth is expected to be fuelled by small and medium enterprises (SMEs) that currently account for 95% of the country’s enterprises. Yet, many SMEs in Vietnam work with outdated and inefficient technology. With water and energy prices increasing, their inefficiency not only takes a toll on the environment and public health, but also implies higher costs for their own business. Vietnam has already seen many projects and programmes to introduce innovative, energy and water efficient technologies in Vietnam. As a result, the sector is well documented with market-, and technology-reports, and environmental impact studies, and there are a number of trained project-oriented installation companies. However, the diffusion of technologies for sustainable production has so far mostly remained in the (pilot) project market. Cleaner, more efficient technologies have not yet achieved significant penetration in mainstream markets.

 MEET-BIS project stimulates energy efficiency and water conservation in Vietnam using an innovative, private sector based approach. The ‘MEET-BIS’ programme aims to change this situation. The project is providing urban SMEs in Vietnam with sustainable and affordable access to water and energy efficiency technologies - improving the companies efficiency and bottom line as well as benefitting the environment and public health. MEET-BIS does this by building capacity among suppliers and installers in the Vietnamese market. Building on tested, pragmatic approaches, the project partners are developing sustainable supply chains that make innovative technologies and technical know-how available for SMEs.

 More information can be seen at