Project: Local consultant support for Renewable Energy integration into the Power system

Two basic requirements for securing the continuous balance between supply and demand are accurate forecasts of the amount of power likely to be available in the short and medium term, and accurate forecast of the demand for power. This project focuses on the former; more specifically on RE forecasting.

The Energy Partnership Programme between Viet Nam and Denmark aims to enhance the capabilities of the ERAV, NLDC and PCs on  forecasting of demand and VRE generation and of the NLDC and other relevant stakeholders on quantifying the need for and securing the availability of ancillary services to ensure the stability of the power system and well-functioning of the power market. Based on experiences from these activities support will also be provided to ERAV on improving the regulatory framework on forecasting and ancillary services.

NLDC is assisted by the programme under Output 1 “Enhancement of capability in forecasting of load and of generation from variable RE” which will support the system operator to improve the quality and use of forecasts and thereby give comfort to key stakeholders in the power system that stable operation of the grid as more variable generation capacity comes on line, is technically feasible in a cost-effective manner.

Two basic requirements for securing the continuous balance between supply and demand are accurate forecasts of the amount of power likely to be available in the short and medium term, and accurate forecast of the demand for power. This project focuses on the former; more specifically on RE forecasting.

Project counterparts has also been provided with improved capability for calculating/quantifying need for and secure availability of ancillary services to dispatch, schedule and ensure stability of the power system taken into account the RE and well-functioning of the power market”.  Capability building for NLDC to develop and implement supportive measures is the objective. This includes basic calculation principles and detailed methodology of ancillary service needs and standard ancillary service supply contracts so that NLDC is well prepared to operate the power system in a cost-effective way under the new conditions following full implementation of the competitive power market and RE integration. Hence, the Output 2 target by end-of-programme is that NLDC and other relevant stakeholders assess more exactly the needs for ancillary services and methods to dispatch, schedule and secure availability of ancillary services.