Inception Workshop on EU Support to the Development of Sustainable Energy in Vietnam

Within the framework of the implementation of the 2014 – 2020 EU Multiannual Indicative Programme for Viet Nam in which sustainable Energy has been selected as one of the two key sectors of intervention, the EU Delegation jointly with the Ministry of Industry and Trade organize an inception workshop on “EU Support to the Development of Sustainable Energy in Viet Nam". RCEE – NIRAS  staffs have been selected to support with the organization of the event

The objectives of this workshop were to officially kick-off the EU cooperation in the Energy sector and agree on how to proceed with the implementation of this support. In order to do so, the first session of this workshop was dedicated to the presentation by Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT) of the state of play, challenges and assistance needed for the implementation of the national programmes/strategies in the Energy Sector. A second session of the workshop gave the opportunity to private sector associations to give their view on the challenges faced by private companies with regards to Energy in Vietnam. The third session was dedicated to presentations of EU's possible instruments to support the implementation of the Sustainable Energy Component of the MIP toward achievement of the sustainable energy goals.

A joint operational conclusion has been agreed and signed between the Vice Minister of MOIT, Mr. Hoang Quoc Vuong and the Ambassador – Head of EU Delegation in Hanoi, Dr. Franz Jessens.