Four more projects successfully registered in EB in 2012

In addition to 7 projects have been successfully registered in EB last time, RCEE-NIRAS has contributed....



In addition to 7 projects have been successfully registered in EB last time, RCEE-NIRAS has contributed to develop and added 4 more successful projects on this list in the last months of 2012. That's three hydropower projects Dak Glun (code 7554), Dak Mek 3 (code 6583), sold (code 7691) and Hon Chong Waste Heat Recovery power plant (code 7738), contributes to the total number of registered CDM projects success of our company up to 11 projects.

The Dak Glun hydropower project with a capacity of 18MW - the project owner is Saigon Machinery Spare Parts Joint Stock Company and the buyer is Grey K Environmental (Europe) II, Ltd - was officially registered at the EB on 18/10/2012.

The Ban Ra hydropower project with a capacity of 18MW - North East Hydropower Joint Stock Company is the project owner and Grey K Environmental (Europe) II, Ltd  is the buyer - has successfully registered in EB at the same time with Dak Glun project, on 18/10/2012.

The Dak Mek 3 hydropower project with a capacity of 7.5 MW - the project owner is Hong Phat – Dak Mek Hydropower Joint Stock Company and Grey K Environmental (Europe) II, Ltd is the purchasing partner of plant - registered success in EB on 11/09/2012.

Hon Chong waste heat recovery power plant (Holcim) – the buyer partner is Holcim (Switzerland) and Holcim Vietnam Co., Ltd.  is the project owner - with an installed capacity of 6.27 MW, was officially registered at the EB on 23/10/2012. This project is the first cement company that RCEE-NIRAS completed to develop from the early stages until a successful registration. The project will soon enter the first verification stage in the near future.