Final report on Project monitoring and evaluation, including GHG reductions under Distribution Efficiency Project

In June 2014, RCEE-NIRAS’s Consultant was selected to carry out the Monitoring and Evaluation assignment related to the Distribution Efficiency Project (DEP) funded by the World Bank and Australia Government. The M&E Consultant was assigned on a part-time basis to the M&E task from May 2014 to the end June 2016.

This Final Evaluation Report provides ERAV and the World Bank with findings, ratings and recommendations based on desk review documents, interviews, site visits and several meetings with key stakeholders and the project implementation partners (EVN and PCs). The Evaluator presented the evaluation main findings to ERAV and PCs during the final TA DEP Evaluation Workshop held in Da Lat on June 3, 2016. Most of the comments were taken into consideration in preparing the Draft Final Report  

At the end of July 2016, the Evaluator updated the draft version for taking into consideration the latest progress related to deliverables and disbursements status of the whole project.

During project implementation, the Evaluator has experienced the excellent collaboration of all parties involved and the supports in regards to timely information sharing.