Energy Saving For Hacinco Hotel

To implement The National target program on energy saving and efficiency.......



To implement The National target program on energy saving and efficiency, as well as providing benefits to the enterprise, NIRAS RCEE had conducted the energy audits for Hacinco ( 110 Thai Thinh, Dong Da, Ha Noi) from 12th  to 14th April.

With the huge supports the technical hotel staffs, the audit team had completed the audit report, and then proposes some solutions to save energy costs, focusing on electrical and water systems of the building.

The solutions include replacing the used fluorescent T10-40W by the T5 -28W, installation of inverters for elevator system, applying insulating film paste for glass doors on the east and west buildings, combining solar water with electric water heaters, with the use of the discharge hose and water-saving shower heads.

After all solutions have been installed, Hacinco can save about 78,000 kWh / year and deflation to CO2 emissions of nearly 38 tons / year