Energy Audit for Cai Lan Oils & Fats Industries in Quang Ninh

Within the energy audit serviceagreement between Cai Lan Oil & Fats Industries company .Ltd, (CALOFIC) and RCEE-NIRAS Jsc, Energy audit team surveyed...



Within the energy audit serviceagreement between Cai Lan Oil & Fats Industries company .Ltd, (CALOFIC) and RCEE-NIRAS Jsc, Energy audit team surveyed and evaluated energy management situation of CALOFIC from 20 to 23 November 2012. This activity analyzes, evaluates and proposes saving energy solutions to plant. It also contributes to enhance energy efficiency and reduce environment pollution

Results of analysis and evaluation are based on measurement data of current operation status of workshops, office block.  After that, energy team will propose feasibility saving energy solutions to enterprise to perform in the future.