EASE – Enabling Access to Sustainable Energy – is a partnership of NGOs which aims to bring modern energy products to the rural poor in developing countries, by facilitating the upscaling processes in the rural energy sector and local energy markets......

Project Name:  Enabling Access to Sustainable Energy (EASE) Project

Client:  Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands

Project Duration: 2004 – 2010

Project Description

EASE – Enabling Access to Sustainable Energy – is a partnership of NGOs which aims to bring  modern energy products  to the rural poor in developing countries, by facilitating the upscaling processes in the rural energy sector and local energy markets. The target of EASE project is contribution in implementation of “ supplying sustainable energy services  to 10 million the poor.” of the Netherlands Government (DGIS) to be achieved the objective of Millennium Goal Development.

EASE Vietnam programme has been started since 2004. EASE started from the need to better understand energy and poverty relationships. Based on these research findings, EASE Vietnam has launched a number of pilot projects (biogas, mini-hydro power and improved cookstoves) and worked to improve the energy situation of the poor on a large scale. The activities and projects in the context of the EASE Vietnam programme contributed strongly not only to change energy conditions, but to improve living conditions in rural areas