Developing the BP II project proposal

In order to develop the BP II project proposal, 51 provinces had sent their Letters of Interest to participate into the project phase II with their commitment of dissemination of about 330,000 biogas plants totally

In order to develop the BP II project proposal, 51 provinces had sent their Letters of Interest to participate into the project phase II with their commitment of dissemination of about 330,000 biogas plants totally

Based on the above registered quantity of biogas plant dissemination, market for biogas technology development in Vietnam is potential. At present, the MOU between the Netherlands Ministry of Cooperation and Development and the Netherlands Development Organization (SNV) had been signed with the mutually commitment to continue support biogas program in the Asia, including Vietnam. BPO is now preparing the BP II project proposal of “support project to the biogas program for the animal husbandry sector in Vietnam” (BP II in short) with the following main features:

+ Implement in almost provinces of Vietnam (about 60 provinces);

+ Develop additionally 150,000 – 180,000 biogas plants;

+ Start BP II by 01 February 2006 to accommodate a smooth transfer from BP I and propose to end by January 2011.