Consultancy for Eco-Industrial Park Guideline Development

Over the last decade, Vietnam has seen rapid economic growth attributed by expansion of manufacturing sectors. Vietnamese government has promoted industrial parks to establish and integrate domestic industries, which led  to  significant  increase  in  foreign  investment.  . Vietnam has currently 280 Industrial zones (IZs) which have contributed to socio- economic development in Vietnam, but simultaneously, they have also caused negative impacts on the environment and human health. To address increasing environmental issues and transform its economic structure toward low carbon path, Vietnamese government has launched Vietnam Green Growth Strategy (VGGS) in 2012, which stipulates 3 strategic tasks including low carbon growth, greening of lifestyles and greening of production. The VGGS has set target to reduce annual energy consumption per unit of GDP by 1-1.5% per year by 2020, and by 2050 mainstreaming Green Economic Development. In 2015, Vietnamese government has committed to reduce GHG emissions by 8% by 2030 compared to Business as Usual scenario (BAU) through Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC).

Despite such efforts at national level, there is still lack of regulatory framework that controls environmental impact of IZ. Within this context, the intervention by IFC to develop national guideline on EIP is particularly relevant, since well-established technical guideline could promote participation from private sector and thereby accelerate transformation of IZ to EIP.

The Consortium led by Ernst & Young Korea has been selected for the implementation of this technical assistance. RCEE – NIRAS has worked as the local Consultant for this assignment