Comprehensive survey on Energy Efficiency Services Providers (EESPs)

NIRAS Vietnam will conduct comprehensive survey on Energy Efficiency Services Providers (EESPs) in Vietnam from September 2014 till February 2015.

The survey will identify and assess Energy Efficiency Service Providers (EESPs) in Vietnam to ensure that quality solutions are available to and trusted by the Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and the lending banks financing Energy Efficiency investment projects.

The assignment is under the framework of the “Low carbon transition in the energy efficiency sector” (LCEE) project that supports Vietnam Energy Efficiency Programme (VNEEP) and consists of two components: The first supports Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT) in promoting energy efficiency in the Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) sector with a focus on the brick, ceramic and food processing industries while the second provides support to Ministry of Construction (MOC) in implementing the new energy efficiency building code (EEBC) for new large buildings. Low Carbon transition in the Energy Efficiency sector project (LCEE) is sponsored by DANIDA.