CDM News

Since May 2011, there has been a significant increase in submission of both traditional CDM projects and programmatic CDM projects with a record high number in ......

Update On The CDM Pipeline:

Since May 2011, there has been a significant increase in submission of both traditional CDM projects and programmatic CDM projects with a record high number in almost every month. As showed in Figure 1, the market seemed to gain momentum after an almost constant development from 2007 to 2011. After a peak in submission of new CDM projects with 317 in April, the number of new submissions went down to 178 in May. In June the number further decreased to 161 new projects.

The first temporary certified Emission Reductions (t-CERs) have been issued to the project "Reforestation as Renewable Source of Wood Supplies for Industrial Use in Brazil". This is the first issued t-CERs and the project generated about 4 million t-CERs for the period 2000-2010.

UNFCCC Initiatives Facilitating CDM Projects In LDCs And SIDS

Recently there has been an increasing focus on sustainable development impacts of CDM in LDCs and Small Island Developing States (SIDS). New guidelines, standards, methodologies, procedures and a loan scheme have been implemented, all aiming at lowering transaction costs and time required to develop CDM projects in these countries. As seen in Figure 2, the amount of submitted CDM projects from LDCs per month has been increasing since mid-2008. It is expected that it will take some more time before the effect of these initiatives is fully reflected in the CDM pipeline.


Furthermore, whether the new revisions and the post-2012 EU rules will lead to a boom in the number of CDM projects in LDCs remains uncertain due to low emissions in these countries. The article "Indexing CDM distribution: Leveling the playing field"(Søren Lutken, UNEP Risø), by the UNEP Risø Centre, argues that focusing only on the number of projects and the CERs generated by these is a wrong frame of reference. A more appropriate frame of reference would be, according to the article, to look at the relationship between the number of projects and the national carbon emissions.


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