Calculator 2050: Project Completion Workshop

On January 23rd and 26th 2015, Department of Safety Technology and Industrial Environment was appointed by Ministry of Industry and Trade, in collaboration with the Department of Energy and Climate Change United Kingdom (DECC) and the United Kingdom Embassy in Hanoi, the British Consulate General in Ho Chi Minh City held a project completion workshop that announced the results of the project "Vietnam 2050 Pathway Calculator”.

The workshop has received much attention and participation of over 150 representatives of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Ministry and related agencies; Department of Trade and Industry, Department of Transportation and the Department of Planning and Investment of some localities; some industrial corporations, associations, research institutes, universities, consulting agencies; NGOs and some donors.

For the opening section, Mr. Tran Van Luong, Deputy Director of the Industrial Safety Techniques and Environment agencies has appreciated the results of the project, the efforts of the team, the members of the Board of project management and the effective support of partners the Ministry of Energy and Climate Change, British Embassy in Hanoi.

Mr. Giles Lever, UK Ambassador in Vietnam expressed the profound attention and and delighted at the success of the project and said it would continue to support the Ministry of Industry and Trade in the development Vietnamese version of Calculator 2050 in the future.

The project was implemented with the support of some experienced experts from the United Kingdom Department of Energy and Climate Change to help local expert group representing the fields of socio-economic, transportation, industrial agriculture, energy efficiency, energy supply, modeling. The data were collected and selected to meet the requirement of both models in the original version which just fit the circumstances and conditions of Vietnam. The project so far has ended and this web tools ready for people to access in []