Ayun Thuong 1A hydropower project successfully registered in November, 2011

The 12MW Ayun Thuong 1A Hydropower Project was successfully registered to CDM Executive Board (EB) on 09 November 2011, marking the 6th successful registration of projects developed by RCEE-NIRAS


The 12MW Ayun Thuong 1A Hydropower Project was successfully registered to CDM Executive Board (EB) on 09 November 2011, marking the 6th successful registration of projects developed by RCEE-NIRAS. Ayun Thuong Joint Stock Company is the Project Owner and Itochu Corporation is the Purchasing Party of the Ayun Thuong 1A Hydropower Project.

The project is located on the Ayun River where belongs to Lo Pang commune, Mang Yang district, Gia Lai province and the estimated annual gross power generation is about 49,800 MWh and of which 49,302 MWh will be fed to the national electricity grid. The purpose of the proposed project activity is to utilize the renewable energy resource of the Ayun River to generate electricity and feed to the National Electricity Grid.

RCEE-NIRAS has developed this project from the initial period to the successful registration (EB didn’t request RCEE-NIRAS to revise anything after our submission). Hopefully, the project will be implemented the monitoring plan soon this year with our Monitoring & Verification service.