Assessment of the project "Conversion of coal-fired boiler to biomass boiler at VIPAGRO"

Nowadays, using biomass boiler is gradually become an inevitable trending. Studies showed that this technology helps not only increase the boiler’s longevity because of not creating corrosive acids but also reduce 100% C02 emissions that caused environmental pollution.

In December 2015, NIRAS Vietnam experts have assessed the project of converting coal-fired boiler to biomass boiler of Vinh Phuc Agroproducts and Packing JSC (VIPAGRO). This project is under the Technical Assitance programme - a a cooperation between DANIDA and NIRAS Vietnam.

VIPAGRO is an enterprise operating in the field of agriculture. The company’s main operations are drying foods such as tea, ginger ... Currently, the company has one coal fired boiler with capacity of 500 steam kilos / 1 hour.

After the process of surveying and studying, NIRAS Vietnam experts have worked with investor as well as biomass boiler supplier for some additional necessary items to meet the technical aspects and ensuring the  criteria  set by the project.

Now, the project is in the process obtaining bank loan to replace coal-fired boilers by biomass boilers. The success of this project will create the premise for various similar projects in the future.