Air Quality and Climate Change Policy Assessment and Scenario Development

This Word Bank Technical Assistance is supporting the collection and validation of activity data and characterization of key emission sources in Hanoi, Hung Yen and Bac Ninh and has developed a GAINS AQM model for Vietnam and Hanoi in order to support the Air Quality Management Planning

This Word Bank Technical Assistance is supporting the collection and validation of activity data and characterization of key emission sources in Hanoi, Hung Yen and Bac Ninh and has developed a GAINS AQM model for Vietnam and Hanoi in order to support the Air Quality Management Planning. The GAINS model, originally developed and applied by the International Institute for Applied System Analyses (IIASA) in Austria, provides a coherent framework, calculation routines and data for systematic analysis of cost-effectiveness and cost benefits of reducing air pollution and greenhouse gases. It has served many real and implemented policy and investment applications in the countries of the European Union, countries covered under the Long Range Transboundary Air Pollution Convention, and increasing number of Asian countries: e.g., China, India, Korea, Thailand, and Indonesia.

The Vietnam PMEH AQM model includes source coverage, i.e., all key potential emission sources are represented in the structure of the model and a default set of activities has been developed drawing on international and publicly accessible statistics and studies. Also a one-year source apportionment study has been completed that is being used for verify the model and some further emission inventory data are being collected.

RCEE – NIRAS team has been selected to develop broad based policy scenario design based on existing policies in Vietnam for Air Quality and Climate Change Commitments under the NDC and international trends for air quality/climate change policies and on that basis recommend a suitable scenario design and optimization of regional air pollution control.  This will be a simple scenario/direction, based on interpretation of the NDCs and discussion with local authorities what would this mean at regional Hanoi area in energy, industry, agriculture, transport, waste sectors within the 10 years’ time.