ADVANCED INTERNATIONAL TRAINING PROGRAMME - Integrated Sustainable Coastal Development (IPT 286A)

Niras have begun the preparations for the international training programme on “Integrated Sustainable Coastal Development (ISCD 2015 A)” funded by Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA). One of the invited countries is Vietnam and we would like to inform this programme to relevant persons and organizations.

The programme is designed to fulfill two purposes – to suit the needs of the participants and their organizations; and to contribute to poverty reduction. The long term objective of the programme is to contribute to an integrated sustainable development of coastal zones  in which the needs and rights of poor people are taken into account.

The training programme has a strong focus on integration, participation, governance and planning. The following topics will be addressed:

1. The ecological, economic and social challenges of sustainable coastal development, including environmental protection, effects of climate change, poverty alleviation, human rights and urbanization.

2. The planning process, including methods for spatial planning and international experiences from integrated coastal management.

3. Legal and administrative mechanisms and good governance for integrated coastal development.

4. Methods and tools for integration and inclusion such as stakeholder analysis, participatory approaches and strategic communication.

5. Methods and tools for analysis of the environmental and social situation on coastal areas.

6. Change process theory and tools, including organizational analysis and the role of the change agent.


Time Table

•   Total Programme (14 months part time): March[DNQ1]  2015 – April 2016 

•   Course 1: May 4-22[DNQ2] , 2015 in Sweden 

•   Course 2: October 5-16, 2015, in Tanzania

Invited countries 2014

Tanzania, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Kenya, Liberia, Mozambique, Myanmar and Vietnam.

Closing date for applications

October 1st 2014.

*** Please download the Programme brochure and Application form  in .PDF for more information.