3rd ASEAN SHINE Project Partners Meeting, 8-9 October 2014, Krabi, Thailand

The third project partners’ meeting was held in Krabi, Bangkok on 8-9 October 2014. These are 18 participants who are from ICA and ASEAN partners. Mr. Bek Chee Jing, Chief Operating Officer, ICA and Mr. Colin May, Director of East and Southeast Asia, ICA had welcomed all participants and given the opening remarks.  Then, Mr. Bek had gone through the agenda and explained what would be the purpose and expected outcomes of each session.

The key topics discussed at this meeting were:

a) Mr. Kittisak Sukvivatn, Project Manager, ICA, had expressed his sincere appreciation and thank you to all partners for their great contribution and cooperation for the past 2 years, then he presented the overall update of the ASEAN SHINE project on work package 1, 2 and 3;

b) Mr. Rajiv, UNEP, as the leader in this work package 3 had moderated the discussion, then participants raised several issues and come up with some key topics;


c) Mr. Makoto Kaibara, JATL, Japan presented the following key information on ISO 16358;

Discussion on Work Package 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8: work plan and preparation for major milestone.