This document provides instructions for Vietnamese industries on how to conduct monitoring, reporting, and verification (MRV) of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and their reduction. The guidance aims to:

       Provide foundational knowledge on MRV processes and principles.

       Share steps and procedures for developing an enterprise-level GHG reporting system.

       Describe leading MRV practices, including formats and other institutional models.

       Highlight ways to ensure consistency with international standards for GHG estimation

       Offer options for scaling and extending MRV practices to carbon market mechanisms and other systems in Vietnam designed to manage GHG emissions.

 By understanding how to establish robust GHG MRV systems, businesses will be well prepared to meet emerging GHG reporting requirements in Vietnam while strengthening their long-term sustainability plans.  

 To support the Government of Vietnam’s efforts to strengthen private sector competitiveness, the US Agency for International Development (USAID) collaborated with the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT) to develop this guide on GHG MRV along with other guides focused on climate change reporting and disclosure. USAID engaged a consortium led by RCEE-NIRAS to prepare this document and funded the work through the USAID INVEST project. RCEE-NIRAS consulted with Vietnamese business associations to understand priorities and information needs and based on these discussions prepared the following technical guidance document which is divided into four parts:

1.      A review of existing MRV guidance and principles which enterprises can research and implement for their MRV systems.

2.      A summary of current MRV regulations in Vietnam.

3.      Measurement guidance for enterprises, outlining key steps in the MRV process. The guidance builds on ‘The Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG Protocol)’ and provides suggestions for how to align with domestic GHG reporting requirements.

4.      Vietnamese reporting and verification guidance for enterprises. It is recommended that enterprises follow the guidance provided by the Government of Vietnam, since the domestic regulations on reporting and verification are quite mature.

The guidance is designed to enable Vietnamese experts in charge of GHG management at the enterprise-level to establish a robust MRV system that aligns with national and international requirements.